Electoral rules for membership

1. Proposals of candidature must be submitted in writing to the Permanent Secretary. The proposals should include the support of two members of different countries. Proposals for effective membership must be made by effective members. Proposals for corresponding membership may be made by effective or corresponding members. All candidatures should contain a CV and precise references to works in the history of science.

No one may be proposed as an effective member who has not already been a corresponding member for at least three years.

2. The papers of the candidates are submitted, according to a timetable established by the Council, to the Permanent Secretary. The Council decides the number of places to be filled. The Permanent Secretary decides which proposals of candidature are acceptable on the basis of the Electoral Rules.
As far as possible, elections for effective and corresponding membership will be held on a regular basis, with an interval of two years.

3. The counting of votes is performed by the Permanent Secretary assisted by at least two members of the Council. Voting papers on which a voter marks more names than there are places vacant will be declared null and void.
Candidates are to be proclaimed elected in decreasing order of votes (as received before the announced deadline), up to the number of places available in each category, a condition being that no candidate may be elected who fails to obtain at least half of the votes cast.
If there are two or more candidates in the last available place with an identical number of votes, and their election would entail filling more than the number of places announced at the time of the distribution of ballot papers, all of these candidates shall be deemed elected.

Candidates who are not elected, and who have obtained at least five votes, are automatically presented at the following election.